Monday, January 2, 2012

My first post!

This is me. I am a photographer. I love everything about photography, even the hours upon hours of editing that is involved. I love to capture, preserve, look, feel, cherish, imagine, dream, know, make, admire, and learn photography. Believe me I could fill this whole page up and more with words that describe my love for photography. It all comes down to this... its who I am.

Since I can remember, I wanted to be a photographer. It started with sports photography and then when my camera discovered how beautifully photogenic my sister was my photo horizon grew a little wider.

So many many years and college majors later... I am a photographer. I own (Whoa...OWN!!) J. Bell Photography.

What is J. Bell, you may ask? I named my company after the love of my life, my sunshine, my everything... My daughter Joslyn Bellamy. She brought on the spark I needed to start J. Bell. She is my inspiration.

This is just the beginning to something I dreamed of many, many years ago. The sky is the limit and I am so very thankful to my friends and family that have supported me the last couple of months. All your facebook "likes" and comments mean the world to me and make me strive to be better, to be the best photographer I can be! Most of all, I thank God for this gift and for giving me such a passion to pursue it and Him.

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. 1 Chronicles 16:34


  1. Nat, your love of life and your wonderful outlook will guarantee success in whatever you pursue. The beautiful pictures you create are a gift. Thank You!

  2. awww natalie.. thats awesome im so glad GOD blessed u with being a great photographer. i luv the work u do.. i luv taking pictures and some day i wish i would be able to do the things u r doing. im so happy for you.
